Thursday 24 May 2012


Saturday, May 26, 2012
Pentecost Sunday - Year B

5:30 pm   Novena to Our Lady
6:00 pm   Mass in English

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First Reading
ACTS 2:1-11
All were filled with the Holy Spirit
1 When Pentecost day came round, they had all met together,
2 when suddenly there came from heaven a sound as of a violent wind which filled the entire house in which they were sitting;
3 and there appeared to them tongues as of fire; these separated and came to rest on the head of each of them.
4 They were all filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak different languages as the Spirit gave them power to express themselves.
5 Now there were devout men living in Jerusalem from every nation under heaven,
6 and at this sound they all assembled, and each one was bewildered to hear these men speaking his own language.
7 They were amazed and astonished. 'Surely,' they said, 'all these men speaking are Galileans?
8 How does it happen that each of us hears them in his own native language?
9 Parthians, Medes and Elamites; people from Mesopotamia, Judaea and Cappadocia, Pontus and Asia,
10 Phrygia and Pamphylia, Egypt and the parts of Libya round Cyrene; residents of Rome-
11 Jews and proselytes alike -- Cretans and Arabs, we hear them preaching in our own language about the marvels of God.'
"The Word of the Lord"

PSALMS 104: 1, 24, 29-30, 31 and 34
1 Bless Yahweh, my soul, Yahweh, my God, how great you are! Clothed in majesty and splendour,
24 How countless are your works, Yahweh, all of them made so wisely! The earth is full of your creatures.
29 Turn away your face and they panic; take back their breath and they die and revert to dust.
30 Send out your breath and life begins; you renew the face of the earth.
31 Glory to Yahweh for ever! May Yahweh find joy in his creatures!
34 May my musings be pleasing to him, for Yahweh gives me joy.

Second Reading
1 CORINTHIANS 12:3-7, 12-13
The fruit of the Spirit
3 Because of that, I want to make it quite clear to you that no one who says 'A curse on Jesus' can be speaking in the Spirit of God, and nobody is able to say, 'Jesus is Lord' except in the Holy Spirit.
4 There are many different gifts, but it is always the same Spirit;
5 there are many different ways of serving, but it is always the same Lord.
6 There are many different forms of activity, but in everybody it is the same God who is at work in them all.
7 The particular manifestation of the Spirit granted to each one is to be used for the general good.
12 For as with the human body which is a unity although it has many parts -- all the parts of the body, though many, still making up one single body -- so it is with Christ.
13 We were baptised into one body in a single Spirit, Jews as well as Greeks, slaves as well as free men, and we were all given the same Spirit to drink.
"The Word of the Lord"

Gospel Reading
JOHN 20:19-23
Receive the Holy Spirit

19 In the evening of that same day, the first day of the week, the doors were closed in the room where the disciples were, for fear of the Jews. Jesus came and stood among them. He said to them, 'Peace be with you,'
20 and, after saying this, he showed them his hands and his side. The disciples were filled with joy at seeing the Lord,
21 and he said to them again, 'Peace be with you. 'As the Father sent me, so am I sending you.'
22 After saying this he breathed on them and said: Receive the Holy Spirit.
23 If you forgive anyone's sins, they are forgiven; if you retain anyone's sins, they are retained.

"The Gospel of the Lord"

St. Joseph Church News:
Catechism class holiday 26th May - 9th June, 2012.  Resume on 16th June, 2012.

30th May, 2012  (Wednesday) - South Johor District Pastoral Meeting @ SHC, Johor Bahru @ 8:30 pm.

31st May, 2012 (Thursday) @ 8:30 pm - Rosary recite at Grotto St. Joseph Church with potluck followed by showing "The Miracle of Our Lady of Fatima".  All are invited.

01st June, 2012 (Friday) @ 8:00 pm - Eucharistic Adoration & Benediction. All are invited.

02nd June, 2012  (Saturday) - The Most Holy Trinity .

09th June, 2012  (Saturday) - The Most Holy Body & Blood of Christ (Corpus Christi).

Neophytes Mass at Sacred Heart Cathedral, Johor Bahru.
The mass for the newly baptized (from all the churches) will be celebrated by Rev. Bishop Paul Tan on the 27th May, 2012 (Sunday) at 6:00 pm.  All supporters are encouraged to attend.

Mariapolis 2012 – Focolare Movement
The Word Sets Us Free
Date:  8th to 10th June, 2012
Venue: Cactus Inn Resort, Masai, Johor
For further information, please contact:
Anthony Leong (016-7731318) or Theresa Tan (012-7131242)

SPM Bible Knowledge
Form 5 students who are sitting for Bible Knowledge in SPM in 2012 are requested to call Mrs. Lourdes at 019-7552735.

Some of these school leavers may not have the required results to  pursue studies in a college. At MONTFORT BOYS TOWN, are offered 9 skills courses training opportunity by which a youth can become a resourceful person. Please get more information from parish notice board or call 03- 55107692 or Website:

About Pusat Kebajikan Good Shepherd
It is a not-for-profit, non-governmental organization founded by the Good shepherd Sisters in 1960. Its primary focus is to work with women and girls experiencing crisis situations such as pregnancy, domestic violence and other forms of abuse. Its welfare services are located in KL, Ipoh and Sabah.  Website:  Help lines: KL: 016-3112667/Ipoh: 012-4621341 / KK: 019-5349044 / Sandakan: 013-5544775/ Tawau: 013-8544644.  Others please refer to notice board.

2012 Catholic Marriage Preparation Weekend
Date: Friday 22nd June, 2012  6:30 pm to Sunday 24th June, 2012  4:00 pm
Venue: Majodi Centre, Lot 2101, Jalan Masai Lama, Plentong, Johor Bahru
Registration fee: RM250 per couple inclusive of lodging and food.
Closing Date: 07th June, 2012
Please take note that stay~in is compulsory.  Forms are available at the Parish Office.
Contact person: Feona Petrus (016-7222642)

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