Friday 25 January 2019

25-january-2019- friday-conversion-of-st-paul-apostle/

*Today we often hear that there is a priestly and religious vocations crisis.  This appears to be true in Singapore and in many parts of the world, especially the first world countries. But what is the real crisis?  It is not the lack of priestly and religious vocations.  It is the lack of prayers! What is required is prayer.  In other words, we must first help our young people to come into contact with the Lord, fall in love with Him, develop an intense and intimate relationship with Him to the extent that they want to give their lives to Him, share in His mission and in His passion for the people.  Without a personal relationship with the Lord, there is no vocation and no call.*

*Indeed, we must never forget that priestly vocation is a calling. When the Lord calls, we respond immediately because it is the Lord who calls.  And one does not presume to take this honor, but takes it only when called by God, just as Aaron was.” (Heb 5:1,4) No wonder, the Church today is having all kinds of scandals because those who responded to the call of the priesthood have no calling!  They are taking it as a “career” in life, or a lifestyle that they are comfortable with, as opposed to marriage or singlehood. So the real crisis is not the shortage of priestly and religious vocations but the crisis of faith. Our churches appear to be vibrant with lots of activities.  But all these activities are not signs of a living faith because they could be mere distractions to occupy peoples’ time and boredom. The only sign that is truly reflective of a community growing in faith is when young people who have fallen in love with Jesus desire to empty their lives in the service of the People of God and be His missionaries in the world. Priestly and religious vocations are the fruits of a deep prayer life, a deep relationship with God.*

*The reality is that God is not felt in this secularized world and even by so-called believers in the Lord. Indeed, what our people need is a conversion experience for them to fall in love with Jesus. Secondly, it is the experience of forgiveness of our sins. Thirdly, it is the experience of being sent. So when we celebrate the Conversion of St Paul, let us pray for our own conversion of heart.  Many of us are nominal Catholics.    Many of our parents are not showing the example of faith to their children.  We are lacking in faith and that is why our children lose their faith completely when they grow up in a secular world.  What we need is to create an ambience where our children can encounter Jesus in their lives by belonging to a community anointed with the Holy Spirit and a community that gives them support in love and in faith.  Only when we become a praying community and a community that celebrates the Eucharist and contemplate on the Word of God, will there be vocations for the Church and the world.*

A Blessed, Joyful and Peaceful Friday morning to all of you.

St. Paul, Apostle, pray for us.

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