Saturday 2 February 2019

*The feast of the Presentation of the Lord calls to mind our own consecration to the Lord when we were baptized.  On the day of our baptism, we too were presented to the Lord in His Temple, offering our lives to Him, thereby sharing in His kingly, prophetic and priestly office.  In a special way, today’s feast is also celebrated as the day for those in Consecrated life.  For in consecrated life, religious brothers and sisters commit themselves more radically in living out their baptismal vows to the Lord.*

*The primary role of religious is indeed a prophetic role, both in their lifestyle and by the services they provide to the People of God.  This is the theme of today’s scripture readings.  All the scripture readings speak of the prophetic role of the People of God in general, and more specifically it applies to consecrated persons and religious brothers and sisters.  Religious are called to be the apex of the Church’s holiness.  If the Church were to point to the holiness of the Church, she would refer to the religious because these are brothers and sisters who have committed themselves to live their baptismal commitments to the highest and deepest degree, more so than anyone else.  Indeed, without the religious, the Church would have lacked a powerful sign of the holiness of the Church. They are called to prepare the People of God and lead them to a life of purification and holiness.*

*How could those in consecrated life be a sign?  Firstly, they are called to be signs of contradiction to the world, just as Jesus was. Accordingly, the prophetic sign of consecrated people lies first in their lifestyle, even before exercising their charisms for the service of the People of God. Secondly, the prophetic life of consecrated persons is to give others hope and an experience of God’s love as a foretaste in their lives.*

*But above all, if we desire to be true prophets of our Lord, then we must make time to contemplate on our Lord daily in the Eucharist and in the Word of God.  Jesus, as the gospel says, is the sign “for the fall and for the rising of many.”   If we live the evangelical counsels, it is because they are based on the words and examples of our Lord Himself.  If we are able to assume the sufferings of humanity and reach out to them, it is because of Jesus’ example of always being with the people.  His office was on the streets, in houses, on the boat and shore, and in open fields and deserts.  The Lord wants to be with His people and inspire us all to live His life of total detachment from the worldly values and pursuits of life.  In the final analysis, no religious or consecrated persons can live a consecrated life unless he or she contemplates deeply on the face of our Lord daily.*

A Blessed, Joyful and Peaceful Saturday morning to all of you.

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